What is this?

Post Capitalism is a social, political, and economic model that emphasizes equity and cooperation over competition, self-determination over exploitation, promoting collective decision-making in the domains of production and consumption, the sharing of resources and knowledge, and creating a culture of innovation. Post Capitalism aims to dismantle systems of oppression and inequality while also creating opportunities to upend the current systems of extraction and power. It is based on principles of solidarity, sustainability and justice, which seek to repair the ecological, economic and social imbalances of Capitalism. It draws from elements of socialism, capitalism and Indigenous Economics to create new co-operative forms of ownership and governance that can address global challenges, benefit the global community, and help create resilient, sustainable, and equitable societies.

See also: neoliberal capitalism, late-stage capitalism, capitalist system, post capitalist, social movement

The Medicine Sessions #6: Alnoor Ladha & Advaya - A journey into the heart of Sacred Activism 873

Contextualizing the Kali Yuga with Alnoor Ladha | REC 2 0 3